
This site is designed to give background on the topic of motivation and how it functions within a classroom.  Below is a brief description of what you will find on each page of this site:

Motivational Principles 
On this page, you will find background research on the topic of motivation. 

Difficult Behaviors and Possible Responses
On this page is a list of behaviors that are commonly associated with students who lack motivation.  With each behavior listed, possible responses are below, providing options for a teacher to try.

General Strategies to Increase Motivation
On this page, general strategies that will help increase motivation are listed, along with rationales for most strategies.

Assignments and Motivation
On this page, you will find different ways to motivate students before an assignment is introduced, during the process of completing the assignment, and how to approach grading the assignment.

Shakespeare Unit
On this page, 8 different lesson ideas or assignments are listed for a unit on Shakespeare (specifically referencing Romeo and Juliet).  Each lesson/assignment is rationalized in a way that highlights how it will increase the motivation of a student. 

Works Cited and Works Consulted 
On this page, you will find the texts that inform my thinking and planning as well as the sources for my research.